Kamis, 02 Juli 2015


"Women and their complicated situation," He said.
"Women have that things. Because of that, i'm scared of women since i was young. Unfortunately me," i said.
"And... You are a woman..." He said.
"To be honest, I'm scared of myself too.. Women (most of them are emak-emak, i don't know why they do that, is that a kind of culture?) often gossip one another, i hate it for sure. I usually close my ears with earphone when it's started. They irritate me with the nonsense rumors. It can influence my point of view about objects of the gossip. Sometimes when i can't endure my emotion by them, i usually tell my madness to anyone else... 'Man.. I'm getting cheesed off for real.'
I hate it then... It seems like vicious circle. Bang!" 
"Woman are indeed...complicated," He said.
"I think i'm in pms mode..."
"And i think i need to go now..." He nodded, "bye."
"Bye," i waved.


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